And the best thing about it is that my parents are getting to the "we want to be grandparents" stage. Right now, they're pushing my brother more because he's older, but I know if I ever get married, they're going to drive me effing CRAZY. I'll probably have to make a formal announcement to my entire family (grandparents and all) telling them to leave me alone about having children.
Don't get me wrong though, I like kids. I think they're fun, precocious, and hilarious. (Well. Some of them are.) I could get down with being a stepmom, and I'd LOVE to be an aunt...or maybe somebody's godmother. Not the "if we die, you have to raise our child" godmother, though. The type that buys gifts and takes them places.
Women that I know who have kids or want them swear the feeling is going to kick in sometime or another. So am I just going to wake up one random day wanting to birth babies? I'm pretty sure there are a fair amount of women in the world who truly don't want kids, and I could be one of those. It's not impossible. And it's not selfish of a woman to not want kids. It really grinds my gears when people say that. I should have a child just because I have a uterus? No thanks. The world is already overpopulated. I'm going green by not bringing yet another person here who will deplete the ozone layer and contribute to global warming & the loss of fossil fuels.
But, maybe I'll look back on this blog years from now and laugh as I bounce a baby on my knee. Or whatever you would do if you're holding a child and on the computer. Sigh.
LOL @ "going green"
I'll never understand why some people feel that a woman has to have kids & if she doesn't she's not fulfilling her duties. I'm wavering back & forth on the issue of children, but the idea that I MUST do doesn't sit well with me at all!
I don't think it's necessarily a "women should have children" type thing as it is a "I want to make new flesh with my SO" type thing. At least that's how I feel about it.
Even though that sounds gross...LOL.
I kind of have a "I'm awesome and so is we should procreate and make awesome babies to spread our awesomeness" thing going on...
LOL @ spreading awesomeness...
I think a lot of the outside pressure comes from a "women should have children" standpoint, which can be extremely annoying and overwhelming...
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